"In a world where you can be anything, be kind."
- Jennifer Dukes Lee

The past few months have been chaotic, confusing, and frustrating. The challenges of balancing both work, parenting, time for ourselves, and the increased demands of family members at a time when nothing has been normal has placed many of us in a position of feeling discouraged, exhausted, and overwhelmed. This, along with food and product shortages, a fear of the unknown, and a general sense that the world is no longer a safe place often results in increased anxiety.
It's important that we make an effort to be kind to ourselves and others. To help reduce anxiety and develop healthy coping skills, try incorporating a some of these activities into your daily routine.
Ways to be Kind to Yourself
- Limit the amount of time you access social media and news reports related to COVID-19.
- Ensure that all information you read is from a reliable news source.
- Set a routine for you and your loved ones that includes a balance between work and play to help build consistency.
- Get outside at least once every day.
- Meditate by sitting in a relaxed, comfortable position and focusing on a single object. If your mind begins to wander, bring your attention back to that object.
- Sit quietly and pay attention to the smell, taste, and look of your food.
- Listen to music, intentionally focusing on the lyrics, the voice, or a specific instrument.
- Connect with loved ones, friends, colleagues and other support networks by phone, written notes, or email.
- Read a book.
- Talk to people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling.
- Forgive yourself for the times when you might not be at your best.
- Go easy on yourself and don’t expect perfection.
- Starting at your toes, squeeze one muscle tightly. Count to five and release. Repeat this exercise moving up your body.
- Take breaks and allow yourself to do things you enjoy.
- Eat healthy, well-balanced meals.
- Exercise regularly.
Ways to be Kind to Others
- If you’re going to the grocery store, pick up items for a high-risk neighbor who might not be able to leave their home.
- Make a donation of money, supplies, or time to a cause you care about.
- Make an extra entrée or cookies and share it with a friend or neighbor.
- Talk to your children remind them of the things they are doing to take care of themselves, like washing hands and staying 6 feet away from others.
- Write a “thinking about you” note to a friend.
- Mow a neighbor's grass
- Reach out to someone who’s alone or who you have lost touch with.
- Practice patience.
- Understand others may be uncertain or scared. Listen to them.
- Maintain a calm and positive tone of voice.
- Show random acts of kindness to those around you.
Contact Us
Send our Counseling Center an email or give us a call. We are here to help any way we can.