YFS' Western Prevention Resource Center (WPRC)
The WPRC seeks to divert or delay those we serve from substance use and other high risk behaviors to promote choices/behaviors resulting in lifelong mind and body wellness.
Contact Western Prevention Resource Center
Stop in at our location
Youth & Family Services
Western Prevention Resource Center
202 East Adams St.
Rapid City, SD 57701
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Youth & Family Services
PO Box 2813
Rapid City, SD 57709-2813
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Service Area and Population
The WPRC primarily focuses prevention support services to stakeholders in South Dakota’s 22 westernmost counties, but often serves an even broader audience. The WPRC's services include providing education, technical assistance, training and other support to prevention service providers, youth, parents, educators, community groups, social service providers, health/wellness agencies, chemical dependency service providers, law enforcement and other community wellness stakeholders.
Prevention Services and Presentations
WPRC staff can provide community education and information on a broad range of prevention topics. These topics include:
- Individual drugs (alcohol, nicotine, vaping, marijuana, methamphetamine, fentanyl, etc.)
- Trends in drug use
- Over the counter drug misuse
- The science of chemical dependence (brain and body)
- Risky behavior marketing
- 988/211 Help Line usage
We are always adding to the menu of highly customizable presentations we offer. If there is a topic of interest you would like to learn more about but do not see listed here, please contact us. It is possible your topic could be added.
Upcoming Trainings/Events
The WPRC maintains a traditional library of books and other media relating to prevention, health and wellness. Further, the state’s PRCs maintain an e-library of similar materials.
The traditional library and the e-library are free of cost and open to anyone. Accounts for the traditional library can be set up at the WPRC office at 202 E Adams Street in Rapid City. To create a personal account to access the e-library, click here and follow the steps.
Additional Resources
Prevention News Updates
The PRCs produce and disseminate a monthly newsletter, The Prevention NewsLink, that highlights prevention news, training, events and other prevention-associated items of interest. The current and past editions of The Prevention Newslink can be found here:
The WPRC also produces a weekly prevention news update that is sent via email to stakeholders concerned about substance abuse prevention, suicide prevention, and other aspects of community health and wellness. These updates—usually disseminated each Friday—include recent news, research findings, funding opportunities, upcoming training opportunities, prevention and health events, and links to other resources. If you would like to receive the Prevention News Updates, please email to: wprc@youthandfamilyservices.org.
Evidence-Based Programs (EBP) Provided by the WPRC
There are a number of no-cost EBPs that the WPRC provides directly. Our staff are credentialed program instructors for the following programs:
Interactive Journaling
QPR: Question, Persuade & Refer
Natural Helpers
Youth Mental Health First Aid
Teen Mental Health First Aid
Mental Health First Aid for Adults
Substance abuse Prevention Skills Training (SAPST)
CATCH My Breath
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Evidence-Based Programs (EBP) Supported by the WPRC
The WPRC supports a number of EBPs. We provide technical support, consultation, logistical, and occasionally financial support to the following EBPs:
- Medicine Wheel/ Canoe Journey
- Second Step
- Project Success
- Choices
State and Regional Partners
YFS' WPRC is one of three prevention resource centers (PRC) in South Dakota. The Northeast Prevention Resource Center is located in Watertown and the Southeast Prevention Resource Center is located in Sioux Falls.
Each PRC is embedded within a non-profit organization that serves as its fiscal agent. For more than 20 years, Youth & Family Services has fulfilled this role for the WPRC. Further, the PRCs are associate sites of the South Dakota Prevention Network which includes the South Dakota Department of Social Services and Department of Health.
Regional Partners
The WPRC provides technical and logistical support to many community-based prevention entities within the western South Dakota catchment area. These organizations include:
- Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention (ASAP)- Rapid City
- EMPOWER of the Southern Hills- Hot Springs
- Lifeways- Rapid City, Custer, Hermosa
- Oyate Prevention Coalition- Rapid City
- Communities that Care- Fall River County- Hot Springs
- SAFE Communities- Lemmon
- Whatever it Takes (WIT)- Newell
- Michael Glynn Memorial Coalition (MGM)- White River
- Action for the Betterment of the Community (ABC)- Sturgis, Belle Fourche
Current/ Active Supported Prevention Campaigns